
Actualizado: 18.05.2015, 21:53 Uhr by [ADMIN] One of Twelve (ADMIN-41640) - URL: game.es.stne.net/Manual.aspx?id=101

Si viaja con sus naves a través del Cuadrante Delta, debe evitar los siguientes campos espaciales - puede ser peligroso para sus naves, o incluso letal:
More informations about this and other space fields can be found under "data base" --> "map tiles".

While normally the entry into any space-Field costs 1 energy, but when entering the following asteroid fields and nebulae additional energy is consumed - Asteroids have also in the 3rd Dimension a Orbit, in which you can fly in:

Rescue missions:

A chapter on assistance to wrecked ships can be found at [Rescuing wrecked ship].


The autopilot and the "star cartography" --> "path calculation" principle fly around fogs and asteroid fields, which entry costs more than 1 energy - Unfortunately is often consumed 2 energy in addition, because of the avoidance in the automatic route. It's good to fly sometimes in the manual 1-sector steps into the fog and into the asteroid to take the shorter route (except for large asteroid fields, thick deuterium mists and soon even Metrion gaseous mists).

Restricted areas:

All space-fields, wich are colored framed in the "star cartography", are restricted: Colonist's ships cannot fly in there. Such areas belongs to [NPC great powers].

Metrion gaseous mists:

It is planned that metrion gaseous mists shirk a ship during his entry 9 energy and will also unclude the reserve battery, if there is too not much energy in the EPS-tanks of the ship left(EPS = Electro-Plasma-System). This property of Metrion gaseous mists plays now a role in the "autopilot" function and in the "path calculation": there will any fog Metrion gaseous mist fly around, even it cost currently only 1 additional energy when entry.

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